The aim of the organisation is to preserve, foster and promote Russian culture and historical heritage in the state of Victoria. Russian House provides the infrastructure and support for all Australians of Russian descent engaged in cultural activities. The association has a Constitution (Rules of the Association), registered with the Consumer Affairs Victoria. Elected Committee and members of the organisation look after the Russian House premises, including Halls for hire and Library, source funds for its upkeep and repair and organize social and cultural functions.
Some of the current activities at the Russian House include history and literature talks, discussions, films, folk dancing, casual social gatherings including sessions for senior citizens. Special events celebrating New Year’s Eve, Blinis, lunches and /or dinners are also held. The Library at the Russian House is open once a week.
Russian House is located at: 118 Greeves Street, Fitzroy, Vic, 3065
Executive Committee 2023 – 2024 financial year:
President | Mr John Milovanovic |
Vice President | Mrs Marina Keskevich |
Secretary | Mr Ian Smith |
Treasurer | Mr Alex Kozulin |